maandag 23 september 2013

Counter review

I’ve want to do a new product review, since I haven’t got the time to do a thorough review of Malifaux-models.
I’ve recently bought some tokens to make the scheme markers easier to place and recognize.  So I came around this site and thought I have a look around. It’s a small Swedish company that makes tokens and other items (hence the name).

The materials you can choose from are: aluminum, acrylic and wood. I’ve chosen for aluminum since it looks great and the counters stick out on the gaming table.

So on to the counters itself. I’ve bought a set and then some additional evidence / objective counters. The nice thing about these counters is that they are double-sided. You can choose which side you need for a particular crew.

You  have scrap / eyeball counters, a lit / unlit dynamite counter , a corpse / bloodcounter and evidence / objective markers. In the set you got 5 each, which should be enough for most battles you play. I’ve bought 5 more objective markers, since these will be my scheme markers, but I have to say, that I’ve never had more than 5 on the board.

Overall I'm pleased with the counters I received. The only downside is that the products might have to be updated to the new M2E.

He does custom work as well so feel free to send him an email or visit his site:

I give these counters

vrijdag 13 september 2013

First impressions for M2e – Ophellia Lacroix

The first time I saw the Ophellia box in Malifaux 1.5 I was sold on the image and the models itself. I loved the theme of them and they were a nice crew to play.
Now with M2E and the cards in my hands I’m going to take a look at the renewed master, Ophelia and his crew the gremlin kin.

Ok, so up to the basics. Ophelia and his crew.  This group is just like a guild crew, the Ortega’s, which they just copied and made (improved) clones of. The Ortega’s and the Lacroix employ the same strategy, but use different methods to accomplish this. The strategy they use is shoot first and then ask questions later. They hit really hard from a range and are fast to boot. It’s really a nice crew to start with.

Disclaimer !!! This part is all a bit of guessing since the gremlin stuff wasn’t out and won’t be for some time.

Ophellia Lacroix (master)

Francois Lacroix (henchmen)

Pere Ravage (enforcer)

Raphael Lacroix (enforcer)

Rami Lacroix (enforcer)

3 young Lacroix (Totem: Ophellia)

This box would contain all the current kin models (that’s the models that she has the most synergy with) and her totems, which they seem to include into their regular box (thankfully). If it’s not together, these should be your first models  you should buy since this crew has a lot of synergy build into it.

So how does this box translate into a working crew?

If you look at the stats they all are gremlins (duh) and kin (family-trait). This is important because all kin-related abilities work on the other parts of the crew. The examples are the Ophelia-upgrades. They are all kin-specific. It gives your models a little edge if you have some area of effect-spells. They are also living models and all have the height of 1. The last part is important, because there are 2 models that ignore your ht 1 models when you shoot  into close combat.

So all these things give you nice crew which has a lot of synergy together. Every model has his own role and that’s what I like about this crew. In the next couple of weeks I’ll go into every model individual and give my thoughts about their role they play in the crew.

I hope you liked this small piece about the Lacroix. You can add comments or recommendations if you want.

woensdag 4 september 2013

M2E review – gremlin cards

This is my review of the arsenal box (wave 1) from the gremlins made by Wyrd miniatures. I’m only going to talk about the quality. The rest (content on the cards) will be discussed later.
I got my First part of my small order from Gencon through a friend of mine. The order came through very quickly and I am impressed with the deck itself. The content of this box is as follows: 29 stat cards and 26 upgrade cards. The stat cards also include multiple cards form some of the minion cards. I don’t know if the other decks contain more cards.

I have a size comparison with a regular fate deck. It’s about the same width and length. The print on the outside of the box is great. I really love the whisky-golem and it seems to be scaled to fit the box.
Now for the inside

The cards are an improvement with the old cards. The lay-out is ok and the details on the cards are professionally made. I like the fact that everything is streamlined and all characteristics are in the same place, so you don’t have to search on the cards where what info is at.
The material of the card is also an improvement. The plastic looks like you can use it straight out of the box. I am thinking of laminating them though. Just to be on the safe side.
The font on the cards is good, the size could have been a bit bigger. There isn’t a lot of text on the cards, so you could use this to make the size bigger. That’s just a small side note though. 
The art is nice, and I like it. Nothing more to say on this subject really.
Overall I like this product. I can’t wait for the second wave to come out. I think that for the price you pay, you really get bang for your buck. I am really tempted to buy all the other decks as well. But that’s something for later I guess.

This is my grade for the product:

I like the overall style and price vs quality is excellent. 
The font could have been bigger, so that's why I didn't give it an A+

Next post probably will be about my favorite gremlin master so far. Ophellia Lacroix.

zondag 1 september 2013

First post

This will be a blog dedicated to the tabletop skirmish miniature game Malifaux.

I'll try to add at least one entry every week which will range from model review to just some rambling.

I hope you all enjoy your stay and remember: we're just playing with plastic toy soldiers here.

Here is a link to some art that's used: